加兰:第三节须重点关注 尽可能地踩下油门加大压力并提高强度
"They were super physical with us in the first half so had to battle through that. They were pushing all of our catches out so we started our offense out near half court. So, yeah just being more physical, trying to put more pressure on the ball defensively. And we did that, we got out on transition, made some open threes, got some easy layups. That just opened the game up for us."
"It's definitely a point of emphasis. Just trying to make the other team call the first timeout, so just trying to put our foot on the gas a little bit more and trying to turn up our pressure and our intensity. Definitely a third quarter emphasis for us."
"I mean we just told each other 'we're good.' We were turning the ball over a little too much, weren't making open shots. We knew that we were gonna be good going into the second quarter. We got our groove going a little bit in the second quarter to end the half, and in the third quarter we put our foot on the gas and just kept it going from there."
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